That KNOCK! is a great source of Old School material and an interesting curation of stuff otherwise available online is nothing new. However, what I never forget about KNOCK! was when I received my zine #2 in the mail and it came with a beautiful bookmark with a range of prebuilt OSE characters. That the art was great was also nothing new… however, each pre-build character came with a unique quirk or special power. The most fascinating bit about this is that – to the best of my limited knowledge – it was never explained or otherwise mentioned. I’m not sure if I ever saw another Merry Mushmen material with the same idea (although I don’t have everything they ever published, so I might be wrong here).
Anyway… what is so cool about those Quirks? Well, they are simple and IMHO very
flavourful. Here is the list:
Back from the dead: ignored by undead with HD 1 or 2. Cannot be
magically healed.
Berserker at will: +2 to hit , -2 penalty to AC until the end of the
encounter. 1-in-6 per round he attacks his closest ally.
Changeling: can cast a random 1st-level M-U spell every day. Has a -2
penalty to saves vs spells.
Demon’s child: bat wings under his cape (as feather fall, at will). Must
drink human blood before memorizing spells.
Shapechanger: the PC can polymorph into a small bird once per day. Loses
1d100 XP every time.
Warrior Lineage: can invoke ancestors in combat, +4 to hit and damage
until the end of the fight. Loses 1 Wisdom point permanently every time.
As you can see they are not very systematic or even balanced against each
other, but I JUST LOVE the flavour and many narrative implications (and in-game
uses) that they offer.
Let’s try to create a few more (as neutral as possible so they can
be used with any class.. yes, I know they are not as cool as the original
7th Son of a 7th son (or 7th Daughter of a
7th daughter): you can resist lycanthrope. If ever inflicted
with lycanthropy, won’t become a referee character. You only transform into a
were-creature under a full night moon (if you are outside), with a 1-in-6 per
round chance of keeping control. Otherwise, you are a normal character.
Gold Nose: you can smell gold and gems within
30 feet. Can’t pinpoint it but can guess the volume. You usually have a prominent
or big nose.
Identical Twins: you are actually two identical
people. You share the same pool of HPs, spells, and any class ability (you have
the same class). If you fall to 0 hit points or less, both twins die. You can
only ever cast a spell or use a magical ability once per round. If you are
separated from your twin for 1 turn or more, both of you roll with disadvantage
on all dice. You need +25% XP to level up.
Loved by the moon: you are loved by the moon. Moonlight automatically causes you to levitate (like a potion of levitation).
Made of wood or clay: you are some kind
of golem or manikin shaped like a humanoid. You look like a normal person until
you fall below half your full hit points, then you scare most people on reaction
rolls. You don’t need to eat or to sleep (but still must rest) – pick one. You
take double fire damage.
Polymorphed animal: you can speak the
tongue of birds, mammals, reptiles, or fish (pick one) and can try to avoid
combats with their original type of animal. You have a tell-tale mark of your
animal origin. In areas where magic doesn’t work or is cancelled, you revert
back to their animal forms (equipment and clothes fall off) but you keep your
Sin-Eater: after 1 turn touching a
living creature you can transfer 1d6 hit points of damage from them to you. Get
weird flashes or fragments of a random sin committed by the target (the target
knows this).
Sold your soul: you are immune to energy
drain and charm. Cannot be raised from dead and must roll a saving throw to
negate magical healing. Can be turned by clerics as if undead. Scares animals
and children.
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