With the new version of the setting released for D&D 5E, people are already discussing how to best play in Sigil in our times. Obviously, the answer is the way that you find most fun. When I thought on the subject, I felt that 13th Age would be the perfect system (for me at least) to run a Planescape game today. Let me explain my reasons. However, before that, a quick summary and ruminations…
The original AD&D 2nd Planescape setting came out in the same year that I started playing RPGs (actually I started playing one year earlier – 1993 – but I remember Planescape as the “new cool thing”). I was deeply impacted by the original boxed set and the supplements: the art, the flavour, the weirdness. I never read anything like that, particularly in D&D. That said, D&D 5E today is filled with exotic ancestries, places, and a whimsical factor that was completely absent from previous editions – except Planescape. So, in a sense, Planescape paved the way for this surreal/whimsical/exotic vibe that today is basically the “normal” version of the game (particularly among new players, who aren’t as indoctrinated as we grognards from the “good old days”).

Planescape (the “original” edition let’s say) is about “philosophers with clubs”; it is about living in the afterlife (and being extremely blasé about it); it is about seeing Alignments and the entire thing of Good x Evil just as different soccer teams (meanwhile asking nonchalantly “What is in for me, berk?”); it is about weird and wonderful rules of reality that have something to do with rings and the number 3; it is about the Chant, the obvious way that “cool” sods talk among themselves. In other words: it was strange, fantastic, and dream- (or fever-) like, and it was all coloured by the amazing art of DiTerlizzi. It is kind of a (very) specific Zeitgeist… if you weren’t a D&D player in the 90s it is hard to explain with words (for me at least)…
…ANYWAY! Moving on…
Planescape taught me that you could play D&D pursuing more interesting goals than just levelling up and magic items. It taught me that Belief mattered and that the planes, the gods, and everything else didn’t count so much. And if you had the (amazing) luck of playing Planescape: Torment, then you know how metaphysical and personal questions are the soul of a good Planescape game (“What can change our nature?”… it is a shame that computer games such as Torment and Baldur’s Gate taught me more about roleplay than official D&D books).

Planescape is also filled with unique and counterintuitive characters (Torment has those by the bucketload): moral demons, mythomaniac angels, people that are literally forgotten letters of ancient alphabets, misers that want to buy their way out of Hell (because they can visit it and know how shitty it is), characters with angelic/demonic blood (when that was rare and cool), broken robots of Law etc. It was a wonderful and unique mismatch that gave the impression that every character was bizarrely unique and that your belief counted more than your ancestry or class…
…and that is why I think 13th Age is perfect for a (new) Planescape game!
First: Ancestries (I know they are called Races in 13th Age 1st Edition)
We got our Tielfings and Aasimars in the game and I am very happy with 13th Age's simple but iconic take on ancestries (and the future 2nd Edition looks even better on that). What about other “traditional” races from the gold old Planescape AD&D line? Well, here is my quick and dirty version:
Bariaur: males have +2 to Strength or Constitution. They have the Racial Power Headbutt, which allows you to use your horns in a charge against any nearby or far away enemy. You deal 1d8 points of damage per level. If you want, you can deal 1d10 points of damage per level, but you are Dazed after that (save 11+). Female Bariaur have +2 to Intelligence or Wisdom. They have the Racial Power Cunning, which allows them to reroll one Initiative roll or to force one enemy to reroll a magic attack (the GM has the final word on what is “magic”).
Githzerai: these guys have +2 to Dexterity or Intelligence. They have the Racial Power Passionate Stoicism. Githzerai are creatures of burning passions, particularly when it comes to revenge (against Gythyanki and Illithids), but they are also beings of extreme self-control and mental discipline as they carved their home in Limbo. Passionate Stoicism is my clumsy attempt to simulate that. Once per day, a Githzerai can substitute any inflicted Condition with Weakened. This simulates either that they are using their intense emotions or iron self-control to ignore hardship.
If you must have some form of Magic Resistance…
Magic Resistance (Racial Githzerai Adventurer Feat)
Once per day, you gain Resist Magic 18+ (the GM/table decides if something is “magic”) for a battle. Your resistance also applies to any healing spell applied over you and the GM is welcome to roleplay all of your magic items as if all of them hate you. The GM should also choose a random chakra that you are using: the magic connected to that chakra is placed in a coma by your magic resistance until a Full Heal-Up (or an Icon Roll spend, or something like that).
Champion Tier: You can use this Racial Feat once per battle, but you lose 2 chakras.
Rogue Modrons: +2 to Intelligence or Constitution. You can use the Never Say Die Racial Power from the Forgeborn/Dwarf-Forged from the 13th Age Core Rulebook. If you want something more Modron-like, try this power.
Creature of Order (Racial Rogue Modron Power)
You are a creature of patterns and react poorly to surprises or change. You roll Initiative once at every Full Heal-Up and keep that number until your next Full Heal-Up. You can always choose to roll a 2d10 instead of a 1d20, but once you roll a 1d20 you become so erratic that you can only opt to roll 2d10 after a Quick Rest.
Finally, you can choose to buy the Preset Programmed Action Feat if you want some more Modron classic stuff.
Preset Programmed Action (Racial Modron Adventure Feat)
You can program yourself to act on a preset action, thus compensating your usual predictability. This action must be something that could be done with a Standard Action and that could be phrased as “If A do B to C, I will D to E”. Examples are “If an enemy (A) attack (B) me (C), I will attack (D) him (E)”, or “If an ally (A) is dropped (B) by an enemy (C), I will help (D) him (E)”. The GM/table has the final word. If a situation occurs where the Preset Programmed Action is triggered you can, once per day, use an interrupt action to enact it. Because this is something programmed into you before the current situation, you cannot use the Escalation Die for this action.
Planars and Primes
If you want to give some mechanical juice to the distinction between Primes and Planars, try this:
Primes: Primes are normal 13th Age characters (if there is such a thing). They begin with the free background Clueless +2. They can use this to simulate any knowledge from their home and also to go by on the planes if they are willing to accept a “success with a cost”. In other words, Primes start with a free background that lets them do stuff in the Planes if they are fine with that happening with some complications. For example, a Rogue Prime Half-Elf is invited to a dinner… by Baatezu in a special tavern in Sigil that specialises in attending the culinary tastes of the Nine Hells! The PC suspects that the food is poisonous to mortals but none of his backgrounds can help them. He can use Clueless +2 to find out if the food is poisonous. If he succeeds, what happens is that one of the Baatezu stops from eating poisonous food. However, the same Baatezu now claims that the half-elf has “soul debt” with him and demands that he use the poison to kill someone in 7 days or his soul is forfeit (“As you can read in the plaque above our table, which sets the socialization contract requirements for all those who wish to partake of this fine delicacy. It is a usual contract in the Nine Hells, but you primes are often so clueless about common sense…”).
Planars: Planars can sense nearby gates and see their boundaries if within sight. This should be a big advantage for any Planescape game. They also can speak the Chant and don’t make a mess of themselves (as most Primes do). Planars however have a few disadvantages in that most magic from the Material Plane made to affect devils, angels, spirits etc. also have an impact on them. There are two basic ways to use this. If you are in a hurry, just do this: every time a Planar goes to the Material Plane (unless summoned) or crosses a gate they must pay 1 Recovery. Simple. The second option is my favourite but a bit complex: do a Montage! Basically, once per Full-Heal Up the GM should create a Montage to make the life of Planars “interesting”. The most classic example here is to say that the Planars are suddenly summoned to the Material Plane by some wizard and must deal with it to return. This Montage should use the rules from the Book of the Underworld (i.e., it must involve some skill check and inflict some cost, usually some resource, damage, use of a power, or use of a Recovery). If the table has a mix of Planars and Primes, let the Prime PCs create the problem (and perhaps a complication) for the Planar PCs to solve. If you have only one Planar PC, then just use the first option. Ignore all this if it is too much!

Second: Unique Things!
This is where we hit the sweet spot for 13th Age. Planescape characters have an idiosyncratic nature and that is their unique thing! Do you want to be the aforementioned “living forgotten letter of an ancient alphabet”? A rogue petitioner seeking to escape the Lower Planes masquerading as a Wizard? An ex-Proxy who survived the death of his Power? The last dream of an entire ancestry? That is your Unique Thing! 13th Age practically invites you to create your own unique take on “Planescapian” flavour.
Third: Backgrounds!
This is where you can build upon your Unique Thing/Race/PC Concept. For example, if you are a Rogue Modron, you can have the skill “Supernal Instantaneous Mathematical Calculations”, allowing you, for example, to instantly determine the amount of anything you can see, such as the number of coins in a chest or the number of devils in a Blood War battle (and you can of course argue with the GM that the skill is equally useful to “count” stuff such as “Evil”, “Good”, “Bloodlust”, “Hunger” etc.). Damn, you can use your faction to create some cool backgrounds too, such as “I act before I think” (yup, that is a Transcendent Order skill, I love those dudes).
Fourth: Icon Relationship.
Did I say Icons? Forget it. I mean “Faction Relationship”. Take 13th Age’s Icons and replace them with Planescape factions (from the original box and AD&D 2nd sourcebooks or use the new 5E ones). Select for example a 1 positive relationship with the Mercykillers (i.e., your faction), a 1 ambiguous one with the Harmonium (perhaps from your ex) and 1 enemy with the Dustmen (who let one of your ex-cons return as a wraith?)
Remember that you can go way beyond Factions here and allow PC to have relationships with Powers, Planes (or just a place), or any NPC that you like… (except the Lady of Pain… people with “relationships” with her tend to disappear).
Fifth: Belief.
Belief or the power of belief to change reality is a cornerstone of Planescape. I am aware that the Planewalker’s Handbook tried to gamify that into a rule (in a way that I still find very nice). However, instead of that, I suggest using Belief as a reward mechanic: when a player manages to change someone’s Belief or to concentrate enough Belief to incite change in the world (for example, convincing most of the population of a portal town for example), they should be rewarded: let them regain Recoveries, maybe a Full Heal-Up, or better yet, regain Faction Relationship dice (that you can roll right away!), or to change one encounter to a Montage!
If you prefer instead the original Planewalker’s Handbook system, then just create a Belief for each PC (one per Tier seems enough) and track their Belief Points. PCs can use 1 Belief Point to succeed at a Skill Check, gain a significant Clue from the GM, or regain 1 Faction Relationship Roll.
Optional rule: Binding Belief
Instead of changing someone’s Belief your PC can accept the burden of another’s Belief and hold on to it for the next 4 encounters (or until the next Full Heal-Up or when the GM say it is enough). After that, you gain some reward (preferably one use Faction Relationship Dice from the faction/group that you helped). The price paid is that, for those 4 encounters, you suffer a “negative Background”. For example, if accept the Belief that “Thought is a barrier to the true nature of the Multiverse -2” (a typical slogan for the Transcendent Order), means that you suffer a -2 penalty to any check where the GM thinks (ha!) that you have to use your rationality first (such as persuading an NPC, searching for a clue, using your erudite knowledge etc.). Depending on the Belief the negative background might have a stepper penalty (or it might impact some aspect of your PCs, such as your chakras).

OK, so I hope that by now we have reached a point where you (at least) agree that 13th Age is a good fit for Planescape. What else can we do? Well, I am glad you asked. Let’s try to create rules for Planescape's flavorful “truths” about the Multiverse:
The Rule-of-Three: everything important in Planescape tends to come/happen in threes. So, if you want to gamify this “rule” it could be something that the table (all the players, by consensus) could invoke ONCE per game session or day. Did they find one or two potions, or maybe two helpful NPCs, or even two paths ahead through Mount Celestia? Then the table can invoke the Rule-of-Three to create/suggest/negotiate new options. Depending on your GM style, you can settle this with a Montage, Skill Challenge, etc. A more “tactical” table can invoke this rule to ask for a Full Heal-Up after 3 (instead of 4) encounters. In this case, I would advise granting ONE player the benefit of a Full Heal-Up (not the entire table), as I feel this can lead to interesting choices. Instead of letting them use the Rule-of-Three for “free” every game session/day, you can instead determine that after invoked by the PCs, the next use of the Rule-of-Three belongs to the GM (yeah, 3 elite-level bosses! Time for the party to escape!).
Unity of Rings: Things in Planescape tend to follow a “ring-like” or circular logic. What comes around, goes around. OK, this one is harder. Here are my ideas so far…
First version: Use this for outlier results and “whiff’ factors. In other words, if a player rolls a fumble in any check (or rolls their Faction Relationship dice and doesn’t get anything), I would suggest they can spend 1 Recovery to request a “karmic counterbalance”. In other words, they gain an extra chance later to change the same kind of test. If the fumble was an attack roll, they have an extra d20 that they can use later; if it was a skill check, the same idea; if it is a Faction Relationship roll it costs 2 Recoveries and they can try to roll a new die at any point in the adventure.
Second version: like the first, when a player fails a check or doesn’t gain anything relevant/interesting, they can invoke the Unity of Rings to “invert” the result. Here, the effect is stronger. A fumble (a 1) becomes a critical hit (a 20). A 1 in a Faction Relationship die becomes a 6. However, after that, the Unity of Rings goes to the GM who can use it with his monsters. If using this version, the Unity of Rings can be summoned once per adventure or per game session.
Third version (after all, we must follow the Rule-of-Three too): This is a failing forward TURBO version! Once every encounter, when you fail any check (or Icon Relationship Roll), you can ask for a Ring Check. Only one PC per encounter gets this. A Ring Check works like an Icon Relationship roll: roll a d6 and it kicks in if you get a 5-6. If you get a 5-6, you have the right to execute a small Montage with a cost. In other words, you propose an advantage from the GM (a new way forward, a consumable magic item, access to an NPC, recovery roll for a power etc. in exchange for 1+ Recovery Die, a temporary negative Background, perhaps some damage etc.).
Center of All: this one rule I don’t feel the need to gamify. Instead, I would encourage the GM to ask each player what their character believes is the “Center of the Multiverse”. This would provide a lot of thought (and hopefully game material) for the GM to work it 😊