I’ve finally
finished the Empire of the East trilogy, thanks to the DCC supplement. However,
before that I had finished (re)(re)reading the Lord of the Rings. It is kind of
a ritual for me to go back to Tolkien every few years. It is always an enjoyable
and refreshing reading, giving me tons of ideas (this was also the first time I
read the original, before that I only read the – very well done – Portuguese translations).
Oddly enough, this last time I got ideas for DCC RPG campaigns, where “you are
no hero”. I hope to develop it more and here is a first sample.
The Tree-Man
You are a
walking and talking humanoid shaped tree! Maybe you should not have eaten that
magic mushroom during the Funnel, or maybe you are in fact the remnant of an
Elder Race.
[You are all
grown-ups and know what an Ent (or Treant) is, so I will leave the fluff to
you. Here are the mechanics, based mostly on Ents as I see them; although I could
also hack a Mushroom-Man for my Purple Planet campaign easily with this stuff.]
Hit Dice: 2d6.
These guys are tough.
Attack Bonus: +1/level.
Your Crit Die is like an Elf but you roll on the Monster table.
Saves: as a
Language: you
can speak with normal plants. That takes really a long time and normal plants
usually don’t pay attention to much, but they certainly remember things that
hurt them.
Let us not be
hasty: your Speed is 20 feet, fumble dice d12, and your Initiative is always a
d10. The good news is that any forest or similar terrain do not hinder you.
Barkskin: your natural
AC is 14. You cannot use armor. Reduce any damage from fire or axe by your Luck
modifier (minimum 1). If you have a negative Luck modifier, you bark is old and
dry (or maybe weak and scarred) and you suffer extra damage from fire or axe
attacks equal to your negative Luck modifier.
Wooden Fist:
you are always considered armed and do 1d6 with your fists. You are not trained
with any weapon.
Strong Roots: Tree-Man
do not bleed and are very resilient. Unless you were brought down to 0 or less
hit points by fire damage (or something like disintegration) you ALWAYS succeed
at the Roll the Body check. Also, you have a +1 bonus per level to any Strength
Water and
Light: you do not need to eat and can go just fine with water and sunlight (if
you spent a lot of time in the underworld the Judge is welcomed to decide if
water is enough). You don’t need to breath, not like a humanoid, and usually can
stay underwater or in the void for a few hours.
Tree Knacks:
roll once per level (start with a d10 and reduce the die to roll for high level
1 – Axe-shatter:
your bark is tick and strong. Your AC 18 and when you are hit you can suffer 1
Agility damage to destroy the weapon used to attack you (if not magical) or to
leave it stuck in your bark (if magical or a natural weapon). Hitting stuck
enemies is usually easier for you.
2 – Many-branched:
you have more than two arms. In combat you have an extra d16 Action Die for
attacks. Outside of combat you have 1d3 extra arms that can be used to carry
stuff (or halflings).
3 – Living Wood:
you can send your roots to entangle or trip foes (like the entangle spell), stretch
your arms or even grow fruits that can heal 1d4 allies (healing 1HD of each). Basically,
you can invent stunts like Groot. Each of these stunts must be approved by the
Judge, takes some time, normally can’t be used in combat. Each stunt deals 1d4
Stamina damage (2d4 if you are hurry or in combat).
4 – Rock
Thrower. You can throw f***ing big rocks! Thrown rocks deal at least d8. Each
time your thrown a rock you can focus on smashing one target (bonus damage
equal to your level) or getting 1d3 extra targets (if they are close). It is also
great for storming castles and sinking small ships.
5 – Stone-bane.
Given enough time your finger can work like roots but breaking in mere minutes
what a normal tree would take centuries. You can destroy normal wood, stone or
even metal (but not stuff like adamantine and such). Basically, you can destroy
castle gates or even dig through a wall in a few minutes. You can also use this
to climb any surface that you can break. If the material is really strong this
might hurt you (Stamina or hit point damage).
6 – Language of
Birds and Beasts: you turn/control plants and animals like a cleric of the same
level (but not destroy or damage them). You can speak with any natural beast or
7 – Just a
tree. You can become a normal tree. This will fool anyone not using very specific
magic to see you (in a forest even that might not be possible). While in this
form you still pay attention to your surroundings and your need for water and
sunlight are greatly diminished. You do not age or sleep like a normal creature.
Yes, you can use this to be the (almost) perfect sentinel. Changing to tree
form and reassuming you form takes 1d6 rounds.
8 – Huorn: Your
hate runs deep. Your unarmed attack deals d8 and you roll critical hits on the
Giant table of the core book.
9 – Treerage:
You have a trigger for fire, axes, orcs and things like that. When faced with those
triggers you can choose to rage or flee. If you flee you disengage from combat
without suffering an attack and must run with a speed of 40 feet for to 1 turn
(10 minutes). If you rage you must ALWAYS attack the source of your rage until
it is destroyed, and you receive a +1 die step bonus for all attacks and damage
rolls. Nice Judged can allow you a Will save DC 15 to break the rage. Be
warned, you can’t distinguish between allies and foes (let the fireball-throw
wizard know beforehand).
10 – The Last
March of the Ents (disregard this one if you are not going full Tolkien, just
re-roll or let the player choose): your Luck stat now is renamed Doom and cannot
be diminished unless you burn it. Once burned it only increases back with you
level up (1 point per level, until your original maximum). You can burn 1 Doom to
gain an attack (roll 2d10 for the attack) or to ignore one damage roll made
against you (even after rolling a save). You can burn 1 Doom to awaken a normal
tree as a very angry huorn (treat it as fanatical follower with half your total
hit points, same AC and saves, attack equal to your level, damage d6 plus your
level). The huorn will serve you until dismissed or destroyed. It will kill
humanoid creatures unless you specifically instruct it NOT to kill THAT
creature. In the darkness/night, a huorn can move silently (d20 + level to
sneak and hide). Huorns are very fast and have a speed of 40 feet. Once your
burn you last Doom point, you either sleep becoming a tree or you become a mad
raging huorn that WILL KILL everything on sight (restore your hit points to
full). After that, there is no coming back.