I’ve been
tinkering with the idea of a brain/social class for a long time. My first version was for OD&D and the second was for DCC RPG (although this last one
is part spellcaster and so not a “true” brain/social class).
The idea
was of a character class that represented heroes from cinema and literature
that triumphed through cunning, influence and/or sheer intelligence. Famous
personages like chevalier Auguste Dupin, Sherlock Holmes, Tyrion Lannister (or
Samwell Tarly), Croaker from the Black Company, Loial from Wheel of Time, the
brilliant (and insane) Tehol Beddict from the Malazan Book of the Fallen, Toturi
Naseru from Legend of the Five Rings, a Mentat from the Dune Universe or even
Thrawn from Star Wars (OK, he’s a villain), maybe mountebanks like Cugel the
Clever or even perhaps the Joker from The Dark Knight movie (a chaotic evil

are peerless detectives, famed sages, loremasters, scheming nobles, sly
courtiers and mischievous scoundrels. Characters whose main weapons are
knowledge, intelligence, connections and resourcefulness. Although modern media
has martially empowered many of those personages (like Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock
Holmes movies), the core concept that always fascinated me is that these are
heroes (and villains) that usually win without violence/strength (or sorcery,
psionic etc.).
Many modern
RPGs have created great rules so that playing these ultra-smart and charismatic
characters is not only possible but fun. I tried to avoid supers RPGs (Aberrant,
Adventure! and Wild Talents have great hyper-intelligence rules) and games that
employed “social combat” rules (although I like how they’re done in Burning
Wheel, A Song of Ice and Fire and the new World of Darkness). There’re also some
good d20 RPGs that created social/manipulation mechanics, like A Game of
Thrones d20, Iron Heroes (check out the Social Feats) and the awesome Fantasy
Craft. Even D&D toyed a little with improving social rules – with a few but
good feats in the Player’s Handbook II for 3.5. I also liked (but changed a
lot) the Courtier class and feats from Rokugan d20 and the original Noble class
from the Dragonlance 3.5 Campaign Setting (which motivated my homemade Noble
class for D&D 3.5). While it isn’t a purely social class, I love D&D
4E’s Warlord class concept – it doesn’t rely on magic to accomplish its role
(and here’s my homemade and probably overpowered version). More recently,
Cubicle 7’s Adventures in Middle-Earth Player’s Guide (for D&D 5E) has some
flavorful mechanics for social/sage characters (check some of its Virtues and
its Scholar class) in d20 – inspired in their equally awesome The One Ring.
important exception in the references above is the Pathfinder Ultimate Intrigue
book: I didn’t read it (yet). In part because I had already written a sketch or
two of what would be my Mastermind class. I really wanted to see what
directions I would take uninfluenced by Paizo’s “social” book. After posting
this I can finally open my copy.
OK, now
about direct inspirations for this class. I must quote Legend of the Five Rings
1st Edition (the first RPG that showed me really cool “social
powers” and classes), Spirit of the Century (specifically its Stunts), Neoclassical
Geek Revival (for its uses of social damage) and Apocalypse/Dungeon World (for
mechanics built around questions and dialogue).

By now it’s
best to warn you: this is a very unorthodox, probably overpowered and perhaps
unplayable Base Class for Pathfinder. I still didn’t have time to playtest it.
The class plays with lots of rule that are within my comfort zone (like the
Plot Twist Cards) but that maybe are “un-Pathfindery” for most. The Mastermind
also plays with a paradox – it’s a non-fighting, non-spellcasting hero, for a
game built upon fighting and spellcasting heroes. It uses mechanics that depend
heavily on GM fiat and trust, which also goes (a little) against the consensus
of Pathfinder/D&D (which are games built for tournament-style adventures
and tactical resource management – traits which are both usually reinforced by
an impartial referee instead of the storyteller/narrator encouraged by many
class features below). Well, for me at least, D&D/Pathfinder was never
synonymous with tournament-style games (much less with the view that the referee
could be some kind of “adversary”, challenging the player characters to survive
his dungeons/adventures). Books like Cubicle 7’s Adventures in Middle-Earth
follow a similar philosophy. So, yeah, this is a bizarre class and I hope it
can give you some ideas.
The Mastermind (New Base Class)
Alignment: Any.
Hit Dice: d6.
Class Skills
The Mastermind's class
skills are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable
Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all)
(Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis),
Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int) and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Points per Level (8 + Int modifier)
Table: Mastermind
Attack Bonus
Dangerous Tongue 1d6, Talent, Talkers go first
Dangerous Tongue 2d6, Talent
Dangerous Tongue 3d6, Talent
Plan 1/day
Dangerous Tongue 4d6, Talent
Behind the Scenes (1 card)
Dangerous Tongue 5d6, Talent
Backup Plan, Master Plan 2/day
Dangerous Tongue 6d6, Talent
Grand Plan
Dangerous Tongue 7d6, Talent
Master Plan 3/day
Dangerous Tongue 8d6, Talent
Puppet Master
Dangerous Tongue 9d6, Talent
Master Plan 4/day
Dangerous Tongue 10d6, Talent
Behind the Scenes (2 cards)
Checkmate, Talent
The following are class features of the Mastermind.
and Armor Proficiency: Masterminds are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand
and light crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, short sword, and sword cane. They
are proficient in light armors, but not shields.
Go First (Ex): A Mastermind knows that the right word can change the balance of a
At the 1st round of any combat, a Mastermind gains a special
standard action before every other character that he’s aware of. This works like
the Surprise Round rule. However, a Mastermind can only use his standard action
for a Charisma-based skill check or for Mastermind class features marked with a
“*” (some of these class features are in fact free actions and so they can be
used together with a Charisma-based skill check).
If there’re other Masterminds present at combat, they all can use
Talkers Go First, following the Initiative order rolled among themselves.
Tongue (Ex): Although Masterminds aren’t warriors, they more than make
up for with a keen intellect and sharp observations.
No two Masterminds use Dangerous Tongue the same way: an old courtier
could improve his ally’s fighting pace by providing tactical advice, while a
temptress could confuse a barbarian enemy with a seducing smile followed by a
witty remark about his virility.
Dangerous Tongue can be used once per round and requires only a move
action (but the see below at the Offensive Mode). A Mastermind can use
Dangerous Tongue a number of times per encounter equal to 1 + his Intelligence
modifier, to a minimum of once per encounter (if an encounter is particularly
long, the GM can refresh this ability approximately at every 10 minutes).
The class feature has an offensive and defensive mode.
Dangerous Tongue [Offensive]: When activated, the Mastermind must choose
an intelligent (Int 3+) target at 30 feet that can either see or hear him. A
common language isn’t necessary if the target shares the same type or subtype with
the Mastermind. For example: a Gnome Mastermind could easily provoke a Human,
Orc or Giant – language barriers are irrelevant.
The mechanical effect of Dangerous Tongue [Offensive] is that the target
loses focus, spends energy futilely, opens his guard or even hurts himself a
little in the process due to the Mastermind’s influence upon him. In other
words: his combat effectiveness is reduced. This represents a wide range of
cinematic and literature “social attacks” clichés – taunts, verbal feints,
threats and even seduction (the Dangerous Tongue trapping or style is chosen by
each the Mastermind). It could even represent mundane mesmerist techniques or
advanced semiotic knowledge, if that’s your kind of flavor (are Bene Gesserit
are probably Monk/Psychic/Mastermind characters?). In the end, the mechanical
effect is the same: the target suffers a special type of nonlethal damage called
stress damage.
At 1st level a Mastermind deals 1d6 stress damage each time he
uses Dangerous Tongue, increasing it by 1d6 for every even Mastermind level
thereafter (to a maximum of 10d6 at 18th level).
Stress damage works like nonlethal damage, except that it automatically affects
any intelligent creature and that it can’t provoke the Staggered or Unconscious
condition. In other words, you don’t need to keep track of stress damage
separately from nonlethal damage. But stress damage “stops” one point short of
leaving a target Staggered or Unconscious.
An example of Dangerous Tongue used offensively: a 3rd level Gnome
Mastermind babbles a barrage of dwarven curses mixed with tactical corrections about
his enemy’s fighting style (or lack of it) against an already raging Dwarf
Barbarian. The Dwarf Barbarian has only 6 hit points left and the Gnome
Mastermind inflicts 7 points of stress damage. This leaves the Dwarf Barbarian
with 6 hit points and 5 nonlethal damage points (remember, suffering 6 or 7
nonlethal damage would leave the Dwarf Staggered and Unconscious). In the adventure,
the Gnome Mastermind has turned the Dwarf Barbarian’s rage against himself,
leaving the warrior mad with fury, tumbling and hurting himself in his wild
efforts to reach the little fey. Because Dangerous Tongue only requires a move
action, the Gnome can attempt a small but precise attack to knockout the
dwarven brute.
Against targets with a CR 4 points or higher than the Mastermind’s class
levels, or with an Intelligence 6 points higher than the Mastermind’s
Intelligence, Dangerous Tongue [Offensive] requires a standard action. It’s
just more hard to get into the mind of powerful or considerably smart
Dangerous Tongue [Defensive]: When used to help his allies, the Mastermind’s
timely counsels can help them to mitigate the worst strikes of their enemies
and to keep watch against other threats. In game terms, the Mastermind provides
a special pool of temporary hit points to the targeted ally. These temporary
hit points follow the normal rules and are gone after the encounter ends (or
after 10 minutes).
(Ex): At 3rd level a Mastermind gains a trusted
companion or loyal sidekick, as if she has gained a cohort from the Leadership
feat (and just a cohort). The Mastermind can still buy Leadership to attract a
second cohort and followers.
Plan (Ex): At 5th level, once per day, a Mastermind
can spend a few minutes talking with his allies before an encounter. After
that, at any time during the encounter, as a free action, the Mastermind can
roll a special Knowledge check. The result generates a communal pool of points
shared by the party.
During the encounter, after rolling a check but before the GM announces
the result, any member of the party can spend points from the Mastermind’s Pool
to gain an equivalent bonus to his ability or skill check, attack roll or save
(maximum +20).
Master Plan can be used an additional time per day at 9th
level and every four class levels thereafter, to a maximum of 4 times at 17th
the Scenes (Ex): At 7th level, a Mastermind’s uncanny
attention to details, resourcefulness and tendencies to plan ahead seem to
border on the supernatural or absurd. It’s like the Mastermind has made a pact
with Fate (or some dark power).
At the beginning or during an adventure (but never
more than once every other game session) a Mastermind can draw one Plot Twist
At 19th level, a Mastermind can draw a Plot
Twist Card twice per adventure (but still never more than 2 cards every other
game session).
These Plot Twist Cards gained through this ability are
removed if not used until the end of the adventure (GM’s call) or after two game
Plan (Ex): At 9th level, a Mastermind can, once per
game session, activate his Master Plan class feature during any encounter without
the need to talk with the party before of it. At this level, a Mastermind
probably concocted one or two backup plans just for situations like the one the
party is facing.
Plan (Ex): At 11th level, a Mastermind adds his
class level to determine the Pool total of Master Plan. Also, any party member
can also use the Mastermind Pool to do one or more of the following actions
(each new costs 5 points from the Pool):
- Reduce one source of damage taken by half (must be used in response to
damage taken);
- Do one attack of opportunity against an enemy within reach;
- Add the Mastermind’s class level to one damage roll;
- Ignore the enemy’s DR for one damage roll.
Master (Ex): At 15th level, The
Mastermind’s allies act as an extension of his will, as if pulled by invisible
strings. The Mastermind can do one or more the following new actions during a
Master Plan (each can be activated just once per encounter and costs 10
- Reinforcements arrive! Calculate the Mastermind’s Leadership score and
grant him that many followers (or creatures of equivalent CR chosen by the GM).
After combat, the Mastermind owns a favor to the followers’ leader (and must
make amends for deaths and losses);
- Make a local contact show up as reinforcement;
- Have a safe escape route! The party gains 1 full round to scape
without the need to use Withdrawn and a clear direction to run. If the
Mastermind spends money and reasonably justify it, he can choose to spend all
the Pool points to pull out something like a teleport scroll (even after paying
for it, the Mastermind will own a debt to them item’s original owner).
(Ex): At 20th level, even when everything seems
to go wrong, a Mastermind is still somehow in control. Once per adventure or
once at every three game sessions (GM’s call), a Mastermind can, as an
immediate action, do one of the following:
- Declare that one action is an automatic failure (even a critical
- Declare that one action is a success (or even a critical success, but
please note that this isn’t the same as rolling a natural 20);
- Draw 2 Plot Twist Cards to use as the Mastermind sees fit (these cards
are lost if not used until the end of the encounter);
- Declare that a creature of CR 20 or lower, known or previously meet by
the party, shows up to help them or hinder the adversary (the GM has full veto
over which creature); note that the creature can even be one of the villain’s
henchmen, already present at the encounter;
- Change one aspect of a single action or event; like the target of a
spell or attack; the point of origin of a spell (even a gate or teleport); you
can even change the spell or ritual being cast (again the GM has full veto over
this – very – open-ended option.
It doesn’t matter which option is chosen, the Mastermind must succinctly
explain why this was all part of his plan and how he made things happen (in a
broad and general way). Think about how Professor Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes or
even Batman reveals the final twist of their masterpiece and just follow suite.
If the GM and the table are not satisfied, they can help the PC to
improve the Checkmate, but it must be done quickly so as to not disturb the game.
If a middle ground can’t be reached, the GM is encouraged to use the simple
forms of this class features (one automatic success or failure).
A NPC can only be targeted by a Checkmate once. After executing a
Checkmate, a Mastermind always own favor to someone or must do a quest to
settle the consequences of such far reaching and complicate scheme. The GM can
freely increase the cost and consequences of entertaining (but absurd) plans.
The idea is that the Mastermind can be the GM for just one action or
round. This ability should be fun for the table and not a source of discussion
or a way to end the adventure in a dull or boring way. Use it wisely.
Finally, Checkmate spends one daily use of Master Plan.
At 1st level and every even level thereafter, a Mastermind can
choose one Talent from the following list:
Always Prepared (Ex): A Mastermind always come
properly equipped to face a problem. If a Mastermind has enough money, he can
declare at any moment during the game that he bought equipment just by paying
its current local value.
For example, after a hard combat, a Mastermind – foreseeing the party’s
need – might draw a healing potion from his backpack by paying its normal and
local GP price; or fetch a silk rope when the party’s rogue loses his climbing
The revealed item must fit within the Mastermind’s possessions (like his
backpack) or must be something that, for example, the party could have been
carrying in their mules since their last stop at a civilized outpost (bags of
holding or portable holes have a huge impact on this Talent).
If the revealed item is something that the Mastermind was theoretically
carrying with himself, it can’t be too heavy or cumbersome to affect his
movement or skill checks. The GM has the final word and common sense is
Ars Memoriae (Ex): Memory isn’t a problem for the Mastermind. Unless
teleported or transported unconscious, a Mastermind can always trace back the
party’s step (labyrinths are no problem either). He can easily remember codes,
number sequences, letters, small books and even a map or two. When in doubt,
consider that a Mastermind can accomplish one uncanny deed per game session.
Finally, even if a Mastermind fails an Intelligence, Knowledge or Gather
Information (Diplomacy) check he always remembers where he can get the right
information or clue.
Barrier of Words (Ex): Masterminds can be quite irritating. As an
immediate action, when attacked by an opponent in melee, the Mastermind can
spend one use of Dangerous Tongue to force disadvantage on one attack roll against
him. The target must roll twice and pick the worst result.
*Before It Happens (Ex): Once per day a Mastermind can, through logic and
observation, predict that a course of action will fail and take another
approach. In game terms, after failing an ability check, skill check or attack
(but before the GM narrates the result), the Mastermind can “go back” and
attempt a different action. For example: after trying to threaten a city
officer (Intimidate skill check) and failing, the Mastermind activates this
Talent, explaining that he predicted that the veteran city guard was too tough
to be easily scared, so now she’s trying to bribe him instead. This Talent can
be bought more than once.
Brains over Brawn (Ex): A Mastermind maybe not fight properly, but he
can use his intellect and exceptional awareness to fit a cane in the right
place for a trip, or to force an opponent to break his own weapon by sidestepping
and making the weapon hit a harder surface.
A Mastermind’s CMB and CMD for Disarm, Sunder, Trip, Dirty Trick,
Reposition and the Steal combat maneuvers uses the Mastermind’s class level
instead of base attack bonus and Intelligence instead of Strength of Dexterity.
Finally, Sunder attempts made by the Mastermind use the enemy’s own
damage roll to determine if the weapon was broken. Requisite: Cunning
*Courtier (Ex): A Mastermind can read a power structure like an open
book. When a Mastermind enters for the first time at a court (be it the local
lord/mayor’s room or the royal chambers itself) or when he first meet with an
organized party (soldiers, bodyguards, a party of knights or crusaders etc.),
he gains one free Diplomacy check (DC 15).
If the check succeeds the GM must inform the Mastermind who among those
present is the true leader of the group. For every 5 points above the DC, the
Mastermind can also ask one of those questions:
- What does the leader wants?
- What do most of the leader’s followers want?
- Who are their enemies?
- Who the leader considers, among those present, his enemies?
- Is there any power struggle happening?
- (If you picked the above question) What are the factions?
- (If you picked the above question) Who are their leaders?
- (If you picked any of the last two questions) Which faction is
Cunning Opportunity (Ex): After failing an attack roll, the Mastermind
gains an additional standard action that can be used to attempt an aid another,
skill check or one of following combat maneuvers: Disarm, Sunder, Trip, Dirty
Trick, Reposition or Steal. Cunning Opportunity can’t be used two rounds
Disguises and Deceit (Ex): You can add your Intelligence modifier to Disguise
skill checks. Once per day, you can do one of the following special actions:
- You can use Disguise instead of Gather Information to find clues or
persons connected to a city’s criminal underworld. If you’re using the Settlements
in Play rule from the Game Mastery Guide, you can add a Settlement’s Crime
bonus (and just a bonus) to your check.
- Once inside a settlement, dungeon, boat or any other location manned
by known and identified forces (troops, guards, guilds, a barbarian clan etc.) you
can call for a special Disguise check to dress like one of the minions and
vanish inside the complex (DC usually is are between 20-30 or the actual DC for
getting disguised, whichever is higher). If you fail the Disguise, you return almost
one hour later and probably provokes a random encounter. If you succeed, you return
in less than half an hour and can one of the following options:
1) During the exploration ask the GM three questions about the place;
like directions to the treasure vault or dungeons, how many forces are there,
guard passwords etc.;
2) Your return with a rough sketch of the entire place (a general map,
without identifying what is each room) and precise details of two room of your
choice (number of enemies, traps, secret passages etc.).
3) You disappear from the game, but can return at any moment, as an immediate
action, interrupting any action that is happening at the time. You do this by
revealing that you’re one the minions or lesser NPCs present in the encounter
(probably the one closer to the treasure or goal sought by the party). If your
friends are captured you can appear to save them.
Requisite: Any Rogue Talent with the word ‘Disguise’.
*Fast Friends (Ex): Once per day a Mastermind can use Diplomacy to influence
a creature's attitude as a standard action.
Genius (Ex): Choose Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma based skills. You
can’t roll a skill check lower than the chosen Ability Score. Requisite:
Mastermind 8th. This Talent can be taken once for each Ability
*He works for me (Ex): Once every other game session, a Mastermind can
declare as his local contact a traditionally hostile humanoid or even an
intelligent monster. The GM has the final word and should require further
Diplomacy checks or services from the Mastermind in order to gain the contact’s
help. If you’re using the Ultimate Campaign’s Contact rules you can consider
this exotic contact as initially Wary and with a minimum Risk of 4 or 5. For
example: while alone in their cells, the Mastermind could declare the orc jailer
as an old acquaintance. Requisite: Network.
Haven (Ex): Once per location (but no more than once for every other
game session) a Mastermind can declare that he has a safe hideout at a civilized
spot or settlement. This place must be something that could reasonably exist within
the location, be equipped to restore the party and hide them for about a week,
given their general level. As usual, the GM can veto any abuses. Requisite:
Healer (Ex): The Mastermind is a great herbalist or loremaster in regard
to the healing arts. Once per day, he can roll a special Heal check and add his
Mastermind class level. The result is the amount of hit points converted to
nonlethal damage or the amount of nonlethal damage healed. The Mastermind can
also spend 5 points from his Heal check to remove one of the following
conditions affecting an ally: Dazed, Fatigued, Shaken, Sickened, or Staggered. Finally,
5 points can be spent to treat diseases, with the target gaining a new save
with a +5 bonus. This Talent requires a Healer’s Kit (or similar equipment),
spending 5 uses of it and takes anything from 10 to 30 minutes.
Inoffensive Appearance (Ex): If the Mastermind isn’t carrying a visible
weapon or otherwise acting in a hostile manner, minor NPCs (and most creatures
with Intelligence 1+) will ignore him for more dangerous party members. When in
doubt, the GM can simply ask for a free Bluff check at the beginning of combat.
The Mastermind will be ignored for 1 round for every 10 points the rolled in
the Bluff check or until she acts threating (like drawing a weapon). Dangerous
Tongue is a threatening gesture. Again, common sense is the more important rule
while using this Talent, which was created to reflect concepts like the feeble
courtier or the “harmless” princess.
*Keep Talking (Ex): A Mastermind speaks so much or employs such devilish
conundrums that most targets aren’t aware they’re been fooled until a few
moments later. Once per day, a Mastermind can automatic win at a Bluff,
Diplomacy or Intimidate check (if necessary considers that he has a +20 bonus).
Unfortunately, the effects of the success wear off a round or two after the Mastermind
stops babbling. Usually a Mastermind using Keep Talking can keep targets
distracted for 1 round for every 3 class levels. Requisite: Fast Friends.
Master of Crafts (Ex): The Mastermind dabbles in various crafts with
suspicious easy and alarming speed. It takes half the normal amount of time to
create any crafted object (including alchemical items). A Mastermind with the
Always Prepared Talent can declare, once per game session, that he crafted exactly
what the party needed. If the desired item could reasonably have been crafted,
the creation costs are paid and the Mastermind succeeds at the Craft check – voilà!
Requisite: Mastermind of 3rd
Manipulator (Ex): While using Dangerous Tongue offensively, instead of
dealing stress damage the Mastermind can inflict one the following conditions:
- Shaken for 1d4 rounds.
- Dazed. Will negates. Mastermind must be of 4th level or
- Confused. Will negates. Mastermind must be of 6th level or
- Staggered. Will negates. Mastermind must be of 8th level or
The Will save DC is 10 + half Mastermind class level + Char modifier.
Except for Shaken, each condition lasts for 1 round.
Network (Ex): A Mastermind knows someone, not matter where. After
arriving in a new settlement, caravan point, watch keep or even a lone outpost,
a Mastermind can declare that he has as local contact. The NPC should be easy
to reach and useful to party. If you’re using the Ultimate Campaign’s rules,
you can consider this contact Reliable or Skeptical and the Mastermind can add
his class level as bonus to the Negotiation check. The GM has, as usual free
veto here (it is hard to explain in some setting how the Human Mastermind knows
someone in an isolated citadel of the Underdark).
No Loose Ends (Ex): A Mastermind is thorough in his affairs. Once per
game session, a Mastermind can declare that he made one simple unopposed action
or skill check in a previous encounter of that same game session. For example:
a Mastermind could declare that he made a Perception check in a previous room
to search for a particular footprint, or that he picked one of the books lying
in the ground of the library visited early that same game session. Requisite:
Always Prepared.
Poison Lore (Ex): A Mastermind cannot accidentally poison himself when
applying poison to a weapon. If the Mastermind spends 1 minute physically
examining a poison, she can attempt a Knowledge (nature) check to identify any
natural poison or a Knowledge (arcana) check to identify any magical poison (DC
= the poison's saving throw DC). Lastly, once a poison is identified, she can
spend 1 minute and attempt a Craft (alchemy) check (DC = the poison's saving
throw DC) to neutralize 1 dose of the poison. Success renders the dose
harmless. The Mastermind has no chance of accidentally poisoning himself when
examining or attempting to neutralize a poison.
*Polyglot (Ex): First, a Mastermind with this Talent
always has the Linguistics skill bought at maximum rank for free (if she has already
spent skill ranks at Linguistics, they’re returned). Second, a Mastermind can
declare which languages he knows during the game, by providing a reasonably
excuse about how he learned that particular idiom (the GM, as usual, can veto).
Finally, a Mastermind can make a Linguistics check to establish a basic rapport
with creatures whose language he (still) doesn’t know. This new skill use
allows only basic communication; it’s a slow process and probably requires an
equal amount of gestures and loud one-word dialogues. The GM must roll secretly
(DCs usually from 20 to 30) to determine if the Mastermind succeed.
Polymath (Ex): A Mastermind can attempt any skill check, even if
untrained. Requisite: Mastermind of 5th level.
One Step Ahead (Ex): A Mastermind can add his Intelligence modifier to
his Initiative. Also, every creature lower in the Initiative order must declare
his action to the Mastermind. Requisite: Mastermind of 3rd level.
Opportunity Remark (Ex): A Mastermind can use Dangerous Tongue
offensively as an attack of opportunity. Requisite: Mastermind of 4th
*Raise the Spirit (Ex): A Mastermind’s aid another action grants
advantage. The targeted ally can roll twice and pick the better result. This
Talent can’t be used two rounds consecutively.
*Read the Heart (Ex): A Mastermind can pierce a person’s wants and needs
through subtle clues. After interacting with a NPC for at least a minute, the
Mastermind gains e free Sense Motive check (DC 15). If the check succeeds and
for every 5 points above the DC, the Mastermind can also ask one of the
following questions:
- What or who does the NPC truly wants?
- (If you picked the above question) What would the NPC do to get that
- What or who does the NPC fears most?
- What is the NPC’s alignment?
- (If you picked the above question) What are the NPC’s classes and
- (If you picked any of the last above questions) A clue or basic
description to the NPC’s most dreaded secret.
Roguish Mastermind (Ex): A Mastermind can buy a Rogue Talent as a Rogue
of the same level, if all the other requirements are fulfilled.
*Shielded by the Law (Ex): A Mastermind knows that the traditions about
hospitality can be more powerful than steel (or the Mastermind always figures
it out how to get under a ruler’s protection, even against his will). If the
party was received without hostilities by a local lord or leader, the
Mastermind can once (and only once per NPC) summon a perfect rule of
hospitality or argument that even a chaotic evil ruler must abide. This requires
at least a standard action of talking before the court (and usually a minute of
more). If the party isn’t caught doing something considered illegal or acting
violently, they can consider that they have a few hours to leave the ruler’s
domain before any retaliation. Again, common sense is advised (it’s hard to explain
why a leader shouldn’t right away execute a party for killing his firstborn,
for example). Requisite: Courtier.
Scion of Cities (Ex): A Mastermind knows better than none how to
navigate through civilizations. If you’re using the Settlements in Play rule
from the Game Mastery Guide, you never add Settlements’ Modifiers to your
checks if they’re negative. Also, once per day, you can double a Settlements’
positive modifier to one of your skill checks.
The Bigger They Are (Ex): A Mastermind must choose an enemy just affected
by Dangerous Tongue. That creature can’t add any ability score or size bonus to
his attack rolls for 1 round. Keeping this Talent requires a move action.
*The Tongue is Quicker than the Sword (Ex): A Mastermind can use
Dangerous Tongue once per day as an immediate action. Requisite: Mastermind of
4th level.
Trapfinding (Ex): A Mastermind adds 1/2 his level (minimum 1) to
Perception checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device checks. A
Mastermind can use Disable Device to disarm magical traps.
True Philosopher (SP): The Mastermind is a grand master of the natural
laws of the world. Even though not a true spellcaster, he knows enough secrets
and mysteries to undo the works of extraplanar entities. Once per day, a Mastermind
can cast break enchantment or a
special version of dismissal as a spell-like
ability, as a wizard of the same level. This version of dismissal also works against creatures of the undead or fey types.
Requisite: Mastermind of 9th level.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A sharp mind is always alert. A Mastermind cannot be
caught flat-footed, nor does she lose her Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is
invisible. She still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A Mastermind
with this ability can still lose her Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent
successfully uses the feint action (see Combat) against her. If the Mastermind
already has uncanny dodge from a different class, she automatically gains
improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead. Requisite: Mastermind of 4th
Uncanny Physician (Ex): This Talent works like Healer, but the
Mastermind can now spend 5 points to change the Exhausted condition to merely
Fatigued (which can be remove by spending more 5 points). He can also spend 5
points of the Heal check to remove 1 Negative Level.
If used until one hour after combat, the Mastermind can also restore
ability damage (spending 3 points for every 1 ability score healed) or heal
crippling wounds like blindness or movement penalties by spending 5 points (the
GM has the final word). Using Uncanny Physician usually requires 1 hour of treatment
or more. Requisite: Healer.
Voices of the Streets (Ex): Once per day, while in any settlement, a
Mastermind can make a Gather Information (Diplomacy) check as a 1 minute
action. Just by standing in the streets and catching the local talks the Mastermind
can deduce the information he needs.
Weak Spot (Ex): Mastermind are good at finding the weakest link in a
chain or to spot that small fracture in an otherwise solid door. Once per day,
after spending one full-action analyzing an object, the Mastermind can detect
its weak spot. After finding a weak spot, a Mastermind can choose one of the
following options:
- The next damage roll against the object ignores it’s Hardness and
deals maximum damage;
- The next attempt to break the object gains a bonus equal to the
Mastermind’s level + Intelligence modifier.
Both of the effects above can be inflicted by the Mastermind herself or
by a properly instructed ally or even a crew operating a siege weapon (treat
this as a special aid another action).
Requisite: Brains over Brawn.
Wealth (Ex): A Mastermind always has a minimum amount of gold or
valuables banked through the civilized world, which he can reach at cities or
caravan points within a few hours. In game terms, he can live in most major
cities and important trade points with a Wealthy cost of living (or acquires
100 GP per month). At 9th level, this monthly stipends is enough to
keep an Extravagant cost of living (or 1.000 GP per month). The GM is free to
reduce these values to half or less if the player attempts to use this Talent
as short-cut to accumulate magic items.
Words Deep (Ex): This Talent works like Manipulator,
except each condition lasts for 1 round per d6 of stress damage. Requisite:
Manipulator, Mastermind of 8th level.